Users may encounter an issue when trying to log in to the platform, which could be related to the browser settings. Should this occur, please follow the below steps to ensure the browser settings are compatible with the platform:

Too many Tabs or Browsers open

Users may receive an error stating that "your session limit has been exceeded". This normally occurs if a user opens more than one tab or browser, and logs into the system. Users can only log in once and in order to remove this error the following steps should be followed:

  • Log out of all browsers and clear the cache and history on those.
  • Reload the page and only log in using only one browser, one tab.

Cookies and Cross-site tracking


Google, Mozilla, Microsoft and Apple have all implemented changes in line with updated security policies related to the management of 3rd party cookie policies. A resultant effect is that customers may not be able to login and also receive the "session limit has exceeded" error.

Please ensure that your browser settings are compatible with the platform by following the relevant steps for each browser type.

CHROME as below:

  1. open Chrome
  2. ensure Do Not Track under Settings is On (As per screenshot below)

If that does not work, please proceed to the next options:

  1. type chrome://flags in the address bar, enter,
  2. search for samesite
  3. Disable SameSite by default cookies

Once this is done, the browser can be refreshed and the user can try to log in again.

FIREFOX, as below:

  1. open Firefox
  2. ensure Do Not Track is set to Only when Firefox is set to block known trackers

If that does not work, please proceed to the next options:

  1. type about:config in the address bar, proceed,
  2. search for network.cookie.samesite
  3. ensure all settings are set to false

Once this is done, the browser can be refreshed and the user can try to log in again.

SAFARI, as below:

  1. Open the browser and click on the Safari dropdown in the top left corner
  2. Select Preferences from the dropdown list
  3. Select Privacy
  4. Uncheck the "Prevent cross-site tracking" box

Once this is done, the browser can be refreshed and the user can try to log in again.

EDGE, as below:

  1. open Edge
  2. type in edge://settings/content in the address bar, proceed,
  3. ensure Block third-party cookies is disabled