The I-ATS can send tracking information at different rates, depending on its connection status. These settings are controlled using Profiles. Each profile allows you to set a tracking rate, and also a ‘burst mode’ tracking rate.

From the IndigoCONNECT app, go to Configure \ Tracking and select from the available profiles to change their parameters.

Profile Name


Cellular Context

Used when the I-ATS has cellular coverage, and the cellular mode is set to 'GPRS Preferred' or 'GPRS Always'

Satellite Context

Used when the I-ATS does not have cellular coverage, and/or the cellular mode is set to 'Never'.

Distress Context

Used when the alert button has been pressed on the I-ATS and the unit is in 'alert mode'.


Used to turn on Activity Sense mode and define the Bump Threshold.


Used to resume tracking after a user defined distance (in km) has been covered.

For example, if transmitting data over the cheaper cellular network the I-ATS could be set to transmit every 5 minutes, whilst transmitting only every 15 minutes via satellite.